e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Over-the-shoulder learning

Over-the-shoulder learning

Who could resist a name like over-the-shoulder learning. After doing a little web research I discovered that this type of learning involves the interactions that individuals have when they are informally working on a technical problem related to an assignment or task (Twidale & Ruhleder, 2004). For example, let’s say I am working on this assignment and trying to post it in Scholar. I may look for a tutorial on Youtube that helps me figure out how to do it, or I could ask someone who has already posted for help or find instructions in the Help function of the webpage. When I figure it out, I could share this information with a fellow student. Help-giving and peer support that revolves around a technical issue fosters interactions between peers in an e-learning environment. Its rather like when you go to a colleague and ask them how they did something, there is the element of a task you need to complete and some type of environment in which you need to complete it. I hadn’t really thought about this aspect in relation to teaching in an e-environment. It raises some unique possibilities for learning on multiple different levels.

Twidale, M.B. and Ruhleder, K. (2004). Over-the-Shoulder Learning in a Distance Education Environment. In C. Haythornthwaite & M.M. Kazmer (Eds.) Learning, Culture and Community in Online Education: Research and Practice. NY: Peter Lang. 177-194.



  • Gregory Kober