e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Gamifaction in Education

​Gamifaction in Education 


“Using Games in Education

Educators have taken note. Whether it’s as small as finding a game for a few students to play or as large as asking all students in a state to come together and create games, it is no secret that games are a powerful way to motivate and facilitate learning.

When it comes to games in education, there are two overall forms it can take:

  1. Games designed for entertainment being used in an educational setting
  2. Educators adopting features of game design to enhance learning

It is important to acknowledge the first form. There is an abundance of overlap between playing a game and learning a concept. Consider, for example, the persistence required to beat a video game level or the instant feedback that comes with being unsuccessful. See the academic work of Dr. James Paul Gee for an in-depth analysis of the relationships between gaming and learning.

Even genres of games that adults frequently dismiss, like fast-paced action video games or match-three puzzle mobile games, are shown to have educational benefits. In the education world, rote skill-and-drill games are sometimes criticized on focusing on the wrong part of learning, but they often still employ characteristics such as rewards, goals, and narrative, which can produce demonstrative gains in learning.”






  • Nikki Maguire
  • Veronica Babajide