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The concept of adaptive learning

Adaptive learning is defined procedurally, as one of the learning methods in which learning is provided according to the different styles, methods and characteristics of learners, according to the way each learner learns, whether traditional or electronic, taking into account individual differences,

This adaptation of the educational environment, the content and the way it is presented, the student and the teacher occurs quantitatively and qualitatively

... Source (Tamer Al-Mallah).

Adaptive learning is a computer-based or web-based learning system, which adjusts the delivery of materials according to the learner's performance and response during the learning process.

It is also known as one of the modern educational methods that have arisen with the aim of creating a distinct educational environment that keeps pace with the needs of each student individually, needs that are determined after answering a set of questions and tasks conducted with the aim of determining the level of students in each section of knowledge, to reach the adaptation of the learning environment according to their different learning styles.

Source(Dr. Tarek Abdel Moneim Hegazy).

The concept of adaptive learning

Adaptive learning has the ability to:

– Dealing with many types of students with different learning styles and styles.

– Helping students with special needs.

– Meet the needs of outstanding and talented students as well as those with learning difficulties.

– Providing educational content with smart teaching methods.

– More able to adapt quickly to different surrounding educational environments.

– Saving a lot of time, whether in determining the identity of the learner's learning style, or in the process of the learner's absorption of the content.

– Reducing repetition and dropout rates in the educational process.

– The ability to achieve the best results compared to other educational systems.

– More able to provide aid to students.

It is also characterized by the following:

– Makes the learner the center and focus of the educational process.

– Achieves the principle of personalization of education "personal and self-learning".

– Provides the learner with what suits him and what he needs only.

– Develops learners' confidence in themselves and their abilities, by presenting content in a way that suits each learner individually.

– It makes the process of guidance and counseling by the teacher more effective, because his role will become to provide guidance to each learner individually according to what he needs, and not just provide guidance and support to all students as if they were one student.

– It helps to make the scientific content dynamic and interactive, in which all media are used to achieve all students' needs.

– Makes e-learning environments smarter, as they will be able to understand the styles and patterns of learners.


What adapts in the educational process?

What adapts in the educational process is the educational content, as it is prepared in different ways that suit the differences in the learners' learning styles and styles, and thus adapting the way the content is presented, so the same content is presented to two students in two different ways, for example, it is presented in an audio and audio way for the student with the audio style, and in a visual way for the student with the visual style.


The nature of adaptive learning environments :

It can be defined procedurally as: learning environments that customize the educational process by remodifying and changing the presentation of the content within them according to the style and style of each learner, they are environments based on testing the learner first to know his learning style, and then providing him with the content that suits his learning style through high-tech techniques and sensors, which can follow the learner and his learning steps to form the largest amount of data about him. Smart adaptive learning environments are able to change themselves and their shape according to the data provided by the learner and the previous knowledge that these environments infer about the learner and the way he learns, making them able to achieve the best results.

إذا درس عشرة طلاب من خلال بيئة تعليمية تكيفية لمحتوى واحد وكان لكل طالب أسلوب مختلف ، فستقدم بيئة التعلم نفس المحتوى ولكن بعشر طرق مختلفة لعرضه.


الطريق إلى تسريع التعلم

نجد أن نجاح أي نظام أو نظام بشري أو إلكتروني يأتي من توافق عناصره ومكوناته مع بعضها البعض، حيث أن نظام التروس يعمل بشكل فردي وفي نفس الوقت يتوافق مع الحركة الجماعية للنظام ككل، وبالتالي يجد المنتج النهائي ذو جودة، ويتم إنتاجه بسرعة بسبب قلة الهدر من حيث الوقت وطبيعة العمل داخل النظام.

وبالتالي في سياق التعلم التكيفي يمكننا أيضا تحقيق عملية تسريع التعلم أو ما يسمى ب "التعلم السريع"، طالما أن جميع عناصر النظام التعليمي تتفق مع بعضها البعض، فلا بديل بعد ذلك عن حدوث عملية التعلم بسرعة ودون أي عوائق أمام المعلم أو المتعلم، لأن المتعلم يجد ببساطة في بيئة التعلم التكيفية ما يناسبه وما يرغب فيه ، بما يحقق ميوله وينمي اتجاهاته.

لمزيد من المعلومات، راجع كتاب التعلم التكيفي لتامر المغاوري الملاح، الذي ستنشره قريبا دار السحاب للنشر والتوزيع في القاهرة، مصر، لعام 2017.https://youtu.be/WZrel6acm_s

  • Olla Badry
  • Olla Badry