Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Innovative computer-mediated assessment

As a good example of innovative, computer-mediated assessment, I will mention exactly Scholar, where this course takes place. 


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Common Ground Scholar (CGScholar)  is a social knowledge ecosystem for teaching and learning across all subject areas, from grade 4 to university, and work or life-embedded learning. CGScholar is the product of cutting-edge research and development into collaborative learning, big data and artificial intelligence, developed by educators and computer scientists at the University of Illinois.

CGScholar is like no other learning platform. It is an integrated suite of apps that supports the following pedagogical functions:

  • An inclusive class engagement space for ubiquitous learning
  • A collaborative, multimodal workspace, driven by a “help economy”
  • A dynamic, just-in-time, AI-driven learning analytics engine
  • An anywhere/anytime web portfolio
  • A professional place for interactive course design and delivery


CGScolar Community

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The “Community” app in CGScholar is part social media feed, part blog, part learner or educator profile page, part work portfolio. Educators can deliver content into learners’ activity feeds in many media formats including videos and simulations. Every learner is encouraged to respond and interact with others’ responses. Learners can also be content contributors, to which others respond. In this way, they become as much knowledge creators as they are knowledge consumers.

CGScholar supports classical “classroom discourse” with some enormous differences:

  • everyone can be expected to respond rather than just the person who puts up their hand
  • active participation is balanced with content delivery
  • discussion can happen anywhere and anytime
  • big data learning analytics and artificial intelligence assess learner contributions

You can see more information about CGSchlolar at this link: