Predictors of International Students' Acculturation Strategie ...

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The goal of this study is to explore what factors may predict international students’ choices of acculturation strategies. Drawing from the Acculturation Intentions Model (AIM), this study examines how perceived host and conational norms, behavior controls, and attitudes impact on international students’ choices of acculturation strategies, particularly with a focus on interacting with Americans or conational students and practicing the cultural values of their host and home countries as acculturation indicators. A total of sixty-nine international students were recruited from a four-year public university in the Midwest of the United States. A series of multiple regression analyses indicated that predictors have different effects on each acculturation strategy. Specifically, attitudes were consistently significant in predicting all acculturation strategies, and behavioral control was a significant predictor for host-related acculturation strategies. Host norms did not have any effect on all acculturation strategies while conational norms only predicted the acculturation strategy of adopting American cultural values.