Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates
Assignment #3
Bullying is constant problem in schools. We can define it as intentional and repeated bad behavior from a child or children to other child or children. Bullying can cause serious traumas and can have serious consequences as depression, anxiety, sadness, and loneliness until the adulthood or death. Interesting fact is that students who bully others also suffer. They are at higher risk for various problems as alcohol or drug addiction, getting into fights, etc.
Many students use bullying to gain status among others and to make others to pay more attention to them, even if it is in a negative way. Bullied children tend to be socially withdrawn and have lack of confidence. For this reason schools should put an emphasis on social and emotional learning skills as part of their task to deal with bullying issues.
Briefly, social and emotional learning is the ability to understand and control one's emotions, solve issues in an efficient manner, and build meaningful connections with others. Young people need social and emotional skills to succeed in their vocations, communities, and civic life. These abilities include clear communication, taking initiative, problem-solving, and interpersonal skills.
Social-emotional learning skills help all those involved in bullying and can be easily adopted into school curricula. Teaching these skills not only promotes a safe and positive climate within schools, it creates healthy children who are ready to learn.
كما تم ذكر سلبيات التنمر وهي صحيحة بأكملها بإنها تسبب عواقب وخيمة كالاكتأب والحزنوحدوث تأسير سلبي علي نفسية الاطفال مما يؤدي الي حدوث مشكلات اكثر خطورة مثل ادمان المخدرات وغيرها
ولكن في بعض الاحيان يكون التنمر دافع اللي بعض الاشخاص والاطفال لتطوير انفسهم وتعديل المشاكل التي تعرضهم اللي التنمر وذلك ينتج عن تربية الطفل في منزله وفي مدرسته التي تجعلة ذات مرونة يتقبل النقد والتمر ويستخدمهم في تطوير نفسه
@Firdes Ismail, thanks for your update
@Alma Velasco, preventing bullying is important
@Kendra Kendra, I support your arguments
@Kendra Kendra, I support your arguments
I absolutely agree with you in every aspect. Bullying comes in all different ways these days.
Your comments are clear and reflect good information about the basic benefits of SEL to prevent bullying.