Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates
Essential Update #2
Option #2 What do we mean by the social mind? In what ways is thinking 'inside your head' also social thinking? How do community and culture shape learning?
Social mind is all about a way of thinking where most of human learning takes place in a social environment. By observing others, acquiring knowledge, rules, skills, strategies, beliefs, and attitudes. In addition, individuals will also look at models or examples to study the usefulness and adherence to the behavior and the consequences of the modeled behavior. Then, they take action according to their beliefs and abilities based on the expected results born from these actions.
According to James Paul Gee’s theory about social cogntivism, patterns of engagement in learning emanate from social practices. If we’re smart, it’s not just our own smartness that we’re smart about. It’s intelligence that we have from the environment around us (the education).
Culture is basically the customs, beliefs and the way of living shared by a particular society/community/country. It refers to the values and norms shared by a specific group of people. Culture influences how we see the world, how we see the community that we live in, and how we communicate with each other. Being a part of a culture influences our learning, remembering, talking and behaving. Therefore culture determines to a great extent the learning and teaching styles also. Culture-based education is an approach in which teaching and learning happen based on the values, norms, beliefs and practices that are the foundation of any culture. Culturally-responsive educators should recognise the full potential of each student irrespective of their cultural background and provide the challenges necessary for them to achieve their full potential.
Sukirman, 2020. Theory, Model, and Education System.
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