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World-schooling and Virtual education

I want to tackle two concepts, although different, but are somehow related: World-schooling and Virtual schooling. World Schooling (also known as unschooling in some circles) is a form of alternative education were learning does not take place in a traditional classroom. World-schoolers often describe it as “a child-led learning outside the school system– and extends it to the educational value of situations that emerge from travel” (Ferraro, 2016, p. 17). Learning in World-schooling often takes place through travel, and it is not bound by space or time. While World-schooling does not always utilize technology, it is a form of ubiquitous learning, as learning takes place anywhere and anytime.
The other concept of ubiquitous learning is virtual schooling. Virtual schooling/education is a method of teaching and learning that utilize online learning as its vehicle for education. Online learning according to Davis and Niedhauser (2007) “refers to the distance learning format that uses the Internet to deliver instruction and provide opportunities for interaction among participants” (p.11). Virtual schooling gained popularity with advancement of technologies that allows participants (learners and educators) to connect in virtual space without the boundaries of time and space. However, it is worth noting that there are different variations when it comes to virtual education. Some virtual schools transcend time and space and qualify to be called ubiquitous, while others only replaced face to face meetings, with online meetings but still stick to scheduling and time tables. The link between virtual schooling and World-schooling comes from the fact that Wolrd-schoolers often utilize technology and virtual learning to access learning opportunities that would not have been available otherwise. One platform that is used in world-schooling is Outschool. Outschool is platform that utilize distance and online education to offer learning opportunities in an array of subjects from languages to technology. Outschool offers world-schooling families access classes and learning opportunities that suits their travel schedules and also the learners’ interests. Classes are offered in multiple formats from live online meetings to completely online and learner’s led and directed classes.
Davis, Niki; Niederhauser, Dale S (2007). Virtual Schooling. Learning & Leading with Technology,34(7) p10-15.
Ferraro, A. (2016). Evaluation of A Temporary, Immersive Learning Community Based On Worldschooling. Journal of Unschooling and Alternative Learning, 10(20)
Riley, Gina (2017) Worldschooling: Homeschooling Away from Home. International Journal of Education, 10(1). DOI: doi:10.5296/ije.v9i1.10798 Volume 10