e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Discussion Forum: Optional Update #4


“Pointing students to data buckets and conduits we’ve already made for them won’t do. Templates and training wheels may be necessary for a while, but by the time students get to college, those aids all too regularly turn into hindrances. For students who have relied on these aids, the freedom to explore and create is the last thing on their minds, so deeply has it been discouraged.” – Gardner Campbell, A Personal Cyberinfrastructure

Being exposed to Social Media nowadays, we provide feedback back and forth, from left to right, because most people that post something are expecting some sort of feedback on what ever topic they decided to share, now relating it to education, what does this mean for providing feedback, then? As the teacher we must find that balancing ground between providing feedback on student work, comments on wikis, or notes left in collaborative google documents, and letting the learner narrate, curate, and share on their own.

The amount of this feedback might be too much for someone or not enough. When it comes to writing feedback, we must be even more careful, because in the classroom we provide students feedback but our tone of voice does make a difference, when it is left to the readers point of view then it can be crucial on getting our point across. Opening up to this feedback must be well thought, this can stop or motivate someone. It will help someone become a better person, or it will make the person give up. In my opinion pushing this on a positive side can make a huge different. Now doing it face to face is no longer the only option. Now the challenges are how we guide our students on giving feedback, some apps, blogs, shared documents can help us to reach our goals on how feedback can be given. Replicating this feedback in the classroom can only be improved by providing an opinion about a topic, practicing with surveys, rating, evaluating results, providing advice, giving ideas and reflecting responses. Social networks allow everyone to speak at once, at the same time. Now students can practice this, when everyone in the past was not free to say what they thought. Socrates would have loved this idea, that everyone could speak at once about a topic or an idea.


Now even coaching sites and motivational training do suggest that you use a FEEDBACK CAPTURE GRID. This is now available for everyone and it does help create a more constructive feedback.


[Image result for FEEDback grid]









  • Monica Adriana Villalana Astorga