e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Discussion Forum: Optional Update #2 - GAMIFICATION


!The difference between DO I HAVE TO DO THIS? AND I WANT TO THIS!

Empowering people with information and responsibility

Nowadays we encourage students to use their time wisely and to be productive, well we got to teach them how to do it first. I believe that GAMIFICATION is a fun interactive learning way of getting them engage in learning. Luckily, we are not alone we find apps that can adapt to your learning style. Exercises are tailored to help the student learn and review vocabulary, practice grammar effectively. Students come to class wondering what new fun thing they will learn and that makes learning easier for them because we all speak the same language in classroom. I´m not the only one that says this, statistics show that 80% of learners say that their productivity has increased, 90% of learners recall information better when they can relate it to the contents,. https://www.google.com.mx/search?q=gamification+statistics+2017&rlz=1C1CHZL_esMX707MX707&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjjgoy_-LjbAhVJCKwKHY9mARgQ_AUICigB&biw=1536&bih=686#imgrc=OB_j7KjPIQZTOM:

I believe that this numbers do encourage us to continue using this techniques and apps that allow us to achieve better results, for me that ones that always gets them on the mood is KAHOOT, very easy to use and it allows you to create specific materials for your class, Luolingo, etc. https://www.duolingo.com/course/en/ar/Learn-English-Online

It is important to highlight that in resent studies GAMIFICATION was consider within the top 6 eLearning trends in 2017. http://www.asbacademy.org/top-6-elearning-trends-watch-2017/

Find the best gamification platform for your business. Compare 91 vetted products. See user reviews, pricing info, custom recommendations. https://technologyadvice.com/gamification/ This is a website that allows you to look for one that best suits you. It´s not only making improvements on education bu also for businesses. So, whether is earning points, rewards, incentives, this elearning technology broadens our future since we can easily get distracted and not complete what we started because is too simply or to old fashionable. So if we empower our students, employees, staff with the correct information, they will feel the need to continue to learn. As long as we vary apps and motivate our students we have a plus on our side as teachers, tutors or mentors.
