e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates
Hello from Norway
I am not quite comfortable with the Scholar platform yet, but there does not seam to be much activity on Coursera.
So I have been working with online learning in High-school-level in Norway for the last 5 years now. Before that I have worked in teatcher education teatching Mathematics. Also I have worked with using technology in spescial education.
I have dyslexia, so I might do a lot of mistakes when it comes to spelling, especially in english. But the advantage is that I understand how it is to be a "different learner". I have never been able to learn well the traditional way. Really could not learn the time-table quite right. But I turened out to be a really good problem solover in math when given more untraditional problems to solove.
Hi, I'm from Sweden and we are a group of teachers in Sweden/Norway that created a community around the MOOC e-Learning Ecologies called Digital teknik i skolan. You are welcome to join (and anyone else that understand swedish/norwegian)
I agree that I am not quite comfortable with the Scholar platform yet either - I can't seem to find the videos here... or the week's coursework. Perhaps someone can clue me in!
I think that is great that you can relate to students who do not learn in a traditional way, but have your own set of strengths.