e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Ubiquitous learning


Ubiquitous learning (learning anytime, anywhere) is a revolutionary term in the new ear of education. Since the world nowadays has became as a "Global Village", this means that accessibility to data is nowadays available to all teachers and students all over the world. In addition to that , the rising of social media has enhanced the social media learning and network learning where the instructor can organize a specific educational group whom are interested in certain academic topic and start sharing and interfering with each other. This lead to the wide spreading of collaborative workplaces, as well as virtual schools and diminished the role of informal learning.

The example that I am going to illustrate here to emphasize the progress of digital and ubiquitous learning is the easy class application.


and this an orientation video about easy class


This application, has permitted instructors and students all over the world to network together, where each instructor can recruit students to his e-class, and share with them all sorts of scientific or literature data including videos, articles, stories, experiments and assignments, and since every student has his own e portfolio, the teacher can assess and grade the work done by each student who also can see in return the feedback on his submitted assignments. So as a result this application is enhancing the the role of the teacher as an educational instructor, its also enhancing the application of the flipped classroom idea, where students can review videos and lectures at home and do their assignments in the class. Absent students can also know what material they missed using easy class and this will keep them on the same track with other students.

Another method I use daily in my career, in addition to  easy class is mobile learning. Every class has its own whats app group inside which I argue with students about the curriculum material and keep in touch with them to guide them with necessary instructions and links about useful resources they may need. This will keep the student in the learning environment as much as he has his mobile phone, so knowledge will be available to him anytime and any place.