e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Learning is Personal with Adaptive Learning Technologies

Adaptive learning is part of interactive learning which addresses the needs of individuals through learning pathways, effective feedback, and supplemental resources; as opposed to an one-size-fits-all curriculum. Technology advancement makes adaptive learning easier to implement. There are three areas one can implement adaptive learning: adaptive content, adaptive sequence, and adaptive assessment.

If you are teacher then you might already be cognizant of the potential benefits of this in terms of your own time, effort and even feeling of pressure when it comes to your students performance and academic growth and development. A lot of the times, us teachers don’t have the time to diversify or differentiate instruction or assessments and this is to the detriment of our students. With adaptive learning systems we can target these adaptations depending on our students needs and levels far more easily. A crucial element of adaptive learning systems is that it provides data to help them understand students’ learning processes and patterns.

Google classroom is testing something new with practice sets. The feature allows teachers to create interactive assignments and provides students with real-time feedback. The instant feedback that kids receive is described to be like having a teaching assistant in the classroom at all times. The technology helped give students 1:1 attention and validation — so they knew right away whether they got a problem correct or incorrect — and drove students’ intrinsic motivation and engagement through the roof.


Media embedded October 25, 2023

McGraw-Hill Connect has also launched SmartBook 2.0, an adaptive learning engine. SmartBook 2.0 tracks student progress and provides reports that allow instructors to identify exactly where and when students are struggling. It helps instructors easily identify students who may be at risk of failing and spend time helping them with the concepts and topics they need to learn to succeed. SmartBook helps pinpoint knowledge gaps and focus their learning on concepts requiring additional study.


Media embedded October 25, 2023

Crucially, as we know a student cannot continue to learn deeply with ongoing knowledge gaps. With Adaptive Learning, these knowledge gaps can be targetted in a timely fashion, force the learner to address them before moving forward. In a fast paced academic year, where teachers are pressured by deadlines and schedules constantly, adaptive learning technologies can really aid teachers and students in targetting fundamental learning objectives. 




Adaptive learning technologies personalise the classroom and the learning process, since the quest for knowledge is deeply personal, these technologies enhance that to the benefits of both student and teacher.










  • Ashraf Amin