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Digital Twins

DIGITAL TWINS as Ubiquitous Learning

The concept of ubiquitous learning or U-learning is an educational concept that refers to student learning “at anywhere, at any time, in different contexts, and using different technologies and media.” An example of the concept in practice is remote online learning through a mobile device and app that allows the learner to join classmates virtually using Cloud computing to collaborate on a collective project.

The readings and videos explaining the ubiquitous learning concept were quite mind-expanding for me. Not only did they help explain the conceptual ideas, but helped me consider the realm of actionable plans that could be developed in what is defined as an “anywhere – any time” U-learning environment.

In fact, the concept of “anywhere – any time” reminded me in a way of that new blockbuster movie entitled: “Everything Everywhere All At Once,” which is about multiverses with alternate timelines and alternate versions of self for the roads not taken in life.

Drawing on the movie’s synopsis, I transition to two ideas related to U-learning, which I believe suggest ubiquitous learning concepts in need of definition.


The first is the linkage of ubiquitous learning to multiverses of online learning. These multidimensional learning opportunities or quantum perspective of learners was posited by Siemens (2004, 2006). Siemens (2006) article suggests that learning consists of making connections between nodes within a larger network and that learning within the digital realm is the process of discovering connections which already exist ubiquitously. Essentially, con­nection, entanglement, and constant communication construct the core of the quantum perspective of learning. Innumerable dimensions exist that influence the quantum perspective of learning. beyond what we currently recognize as online learning spaces.


The second, and more important thought I gleaned from this writing assignment about U-learning for my actionable plans, is the application of digital twins (which I compare to the alternate version of self in the movie), as a ubiquitous learning concept. I see the concept of digital twins as having a greater role in the ubiquitous learning concepts for my future, as it intersects with the disciplines of business, engineering, and accounting.

Digital twin applications that I conceptualize are those that could be used in ubiquitous learning to simulate predictive capabilities and analytics leading to optimized performance, costs, sustainability, supply chains, and accelerated production. Put another way, digital twins can simulate behavior to help understand how something works in real life. Through collaborative projects, students in U-learning environments can understand and advance industry processes, finance, and the use of natural resources via digital twins and add value through virtual reality scenarios and solutions. Digital twins are already being used in high profile companies and particularly the international accounting firm - Deloitte, but it would be wonderful to see common usage of these in online learning to elevate vantage points beyond standard case study scenarios or basic educational simulations.



Siemens, G. (2004). Connectivism: A learning theory for the digital age. Retrieved from http://www.elearnspace.org/Articles/connectivism.htm

Siemens, G. (2006). Connectivism: Learning and knowledge today. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 9(3), 1–13. Retrieved from http:// admin.edna.edu.au/dspace/bitstream/2150/34771/1/gs2006_siemens.pdf