e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Multi-Media and Learning

In the past two decades, the term multimedia has begun to appear frequently in a number of educational, media and economic fields. Its importance appears in presenting a modern visual style and approach that would present the information in its text, tree drawing, or in an analytical form of data and others. In education, multimedia has emerged in many forms, such as images, presentations, videos and links. All these methods showed tangible progress in the recipient, which is the student. Curricula and teaching methods have even become focused on active learning strategies to which multimedia is added. From my classroom experience, the student shows a measurable improvement in comprehending some examples if they are explained by using multimedia-based methods.



Images can be used to illustrate a text, to introduce new vocabulary or as part of an interactive activity. They are also great for sparking discussions in class. When using images in class, it’s important to make sure that they are appropriate for your students’ age group and cultural background. For example, you might want to avoid showing pictures of war or violence if you have younger learners because they can be frightening and upsetting. (1)





1. Bryce Purnell, founder of Learn Laugh Speak.
