e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Informal Learning

One of the examples of ubiquitous learning that proved to be of interest is that of Informal Learning. Before diving into the definition of Informal Learning and providing examples for it, one must remember the meaning of ubiquitous learning. Ubiquitous learning is learning that can be done anywhere and at any given time, in other words, it is learning that is not confined or governed by the barriers of spatial limits such as those of classrooms or temporal limits such as those of schedules or timetables. So if ubiquitous learning were to be applied in real life, I would be considered a participant in it as I am learning something new concerning E-learning from the comfort of my living room, in my own house, on my own time. Moving on, one of the ways learning can be done anywhere and at any time is through Informal Learning. The Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants also known as LIAM (n.d) explains by saying that "[it] takes place outside schools and colleges and arises from the learner’s involvement in activities that are not undertaken with a learning purpose in mind". In reference to that, Informal Learning conforms to the lifelong principle that states that one does not stop learning. LIAM (n.d) also describes Informal Learning as "involuntary and an inescapable part of daily life". In this way, Informal Learning is coincidental and unintentional yet it benefits whoever encounters it. For example, Informal Learning can be seen in the way one learns how to change a tire when one aids one's father/mother in changing it. If I were to help my mother in changing a tire that unexpectedly ripped, I would be participating in Informal Learning where I would learn something new that I did not intend on learning in the first place.


Linguistic Integration of Adult Migrants LIAM. (n.d). Formal, non-formal and informal learning. Council of Europe. https://www.coe.int/en/web/lang-migrants/formal-non-formal-and-informal-learning

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  • Muneera Sub
  • Manal Alsuwat
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  • Gigi Borromeo
  • Noura Elshetehy