e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Differentiated instruction

Differentiated instruction strategies for science

1- Emma McCrea (2019) suggests setting up “Help Stations,” where peers assist each other. Those that have more knowledge of the subject will be able to teach those that are struggling as an extension activity and those that are struggling will receive.
2- Set up a “question and answer” session during which learners can ask the teacher or their peers questions, in order to fill in knowledge gaps.
3-Create a visual word wall. Use pictures and corresponding labels to help students remember terms.
4-Set up interest centers. When learning about dinosaurs you might have an “excavation” center, a reading center, a dinosaur art project that focuses on their anatomy, and a video center.
5-Provide content learning in various formats such as showing a video about dinosaurs, handing out a worksheet with pictures of dinosaurs and labels, and providing a fill-in-the-blank work sheet with interesting dinosaur facts.
