e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Update #7 Differentiated Learning – Overcoming Barriers with Technology-based Solutions

Differentiated learning is a teaching method that involves the use of various instructional techniques by educators to cater to the unique needs of each student.[1]

Source: http://wz.cloudfront.net/image/417085/benefits-of-using-technology-in-the-classroom. web 4/17/23.

Although differentiation is widely acknowledged by both teachers and administrators as an important instructional strategy, teachers have identified several barriers to implementation. The most significant obstacles are associated with lack of time and insufficient resources. For example, teachers may have limited access to differentiated learning materials, or difficulty assessing needs and creating customized resources for students due to lack of time or ineffective training in this area.[2]

Technology is increasingly being used as a means to support teachers in overcoming barriers to implementation of differentiation strategies. Differentiation can occur on a number of fronts: with regard to student readiness, interests, and learner profile; as well as curriculum content, process, and products used to demonstrate student knowledge. Technology strategies and tools are currently available to support each of these areas.[3]

With the education technology sector (EdTech) rapidly growing, such tools will likely become increasingly available in the future.[4] 

Source: edtech.web 4/17/23

To take advantage of the current and future technology tools educational institutions will need to need to provide access to the technology and support enhanced digital literacy among teachers, or provide technology coaches.



  1. ^ Differentiated Learning: The 21st Century Pedagogical Strategy Teachers Should Adopt - LMS Hero
  2. ^ Differentiation Is Hard But,Necessary. (Don’t Worry, There’s Help.) | EdSurge News
  3. ^ https://microcredentials.digitalpromise.org/explore/technology-for-differentiation
  4. ^ https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesbusinesscouncil/2022/12/26/the-future-of-edtech/?sh=447f3c866c2f