e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

concept of omnipresent learning

Hi everybody,

Nowadays, I need to present the concept of omnipresent learning, which is getting to be progressively imperative within the e-learning world. Ubiquitous learning may be a learning approach that permits learners to get to learning assets and lock in in learning exercises at any time and from anyplace. It makes utilize of portable and wireless innovations, such as smartphones and tablets, to empower learners to memorize on the go.

One illustration of omnipresent learning in hone is the utilize of versatile apps in dialect learning. Apps like Duolingo and Babbel permit learners to hone dialect aptitudes anytime and anyplace utilizing their versatile gadgets. The app provides a assortment of works out and intelligently exercises, such as tuning in, perusing, and composing assignments, to assist learners move forward their dialect aptitudes. This sort of learning is particularly valuable for active people who need to memorize a dialect but do not have the time to go to conventional dialect classes.

Omnipresent learning has the potential to convert the way we learn and get to data. With the rise of portable gadgets and remote advances, learners can get to learning assets and lock in in learning exercises at whatever point and wherever they need. This type of learning is especially valuable for learners who are continuously on the go and do not have get to to conventional classroom settings.

In the event that you're inquisitive about learning more almost omnipresent learning, I suggest checking out this article on "Omnipresent Learning: An Overview" by Mohamed Partner and Brenda Ng. It gives a awesome diagram of the concept and its potential affect on instruction.

I trust you found this upgrade supportive and enlightening. In the event that you have got any considerations or comments, if it's not too much trouble feel free to share them within the talk region.


Ally, M., & Ng, B. (2014). Ubiquitous Learning: An Overview. In M. Ally & B. Khan (Eds.), The International Handbook of e-Learning (pp. 1-17). Routledge.

Duolingo. (n.d.). Duolingo Language Learning App. Retrieved from https://www.duolingo.com/

Babbel. (n.d.). Learn a Language Online with the Award-Winning App. Retrieved from https://www.babbel.com/

  • Saeed Alashoor