e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates
الفصل الدراسي المقلوب
زملائي الكرام أرجو الإطلاع على مشروعي المرفق بالأعلى ويسعدني تقييمكم له شاكر ومقدر تعاونكم
زملائي الكرام أرجو الإطلاع على مشروعي المرفق بالأعلى ويسعدني تقييمكم له شاكر ومقدر تعاونكم
Ihab Abdelrahim starred an update Theorizing an example of metacongnitive learning.
Ihab Abdelrahim created the update Theorizing an example of metacongnitive learning.
Ihab Abdelrahim starred an update Peer - to -peer learning.
Ihab Abdelrahim created the update Peer - to -peer learning.
Inas Ahmed Inas Ahmed commented on an update التعلم التشاركي.
Inas Ahmed Inas Ahmed commented on an update Ubiquitous Learning - Spatio-Temporal Dimensions of Learning.
Ihab Abdelrahim starred an update Continuous assessment as a recursive feedback concept on the e learning.
Great job
I totally agree
What is Ubiquitous Learning
The learning which can take place at any time and place benefiting from the use of technologies to implement learning processes derived from solving several tasks assigned to the students.
Wireless learning supported by a large number of cooperative small nodes with computing and/or communication capabilities and characterized by high mobility and embeddedness. Or it can be defined A learning paradigm supported by mobile and embedded computers and wireless networks that provide learners with content and interaction anytime and anywhere. The learning process incudes the real-life experience augmented with virtual information and is adapted to the learners and their environment.
The concept is that an individualized method of teaching will help students learn at a faster pace, more effectively, and with greater understanding. Some of the elements of adaptive learning include: monitoring student activity, interpreting the results, understanding students' requirements and preferences, and using the newly gained information to facilitate the learning process
(Paramythis and Loidl-Reisinger, 2004).
Ubiquitous learning helps both teachers and students, students can participate any time with their teacher or with peers each other's. They can discuss or review their answers each other's and get feedback.They can participate freely.They can express themselves . While the teacher monitor all the students work and know what they say and what goes on in their minds.
عمل جميل جد
واضح ومختصر
ومدعم بمجموعة من الصور
عمل تشكر عليه
ولكن في جزئية ان المعلم لا يستطيع مراقبة جميع الطلاب و متابعتهم اثناء التعلم ممكن التغلب عليها بعدة طرق منها على سبيل المثال
اعطاء مهام مختلفة لكل طالب
الحكم عليهم كمجموعات وليس كافراد
مراقبة عملية التحسن في التعليم عبر سلالم التقدير
ولك جزيل الشكر على ما قدمت
مجهود رائع وبارك الله فيك
طرح جميل أخي تركي