e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Localized Learning

localization is the process of improving a training program to suit the local needs and cultural sensitivities of a particular region. eLearning localization is in fact the next step to the regular training program, as it not only converts the training content from one language to another but also adapts the factors of cultural references to suit the content. The basic idea behind eLearning localization is to ensure that the training content is conveyed in the right context and with the right emotions.

Localizing a training program involves translating and adapting its content to the target culture. This involves modifying the following:

idioms & phrases
measurement units
narration tone

Localizing content means adapting the information that includes local ideas, concepts, knowledge, and preferences.

Localization also refers to the adaptation of content according to the linguistic, cultural, technical, and legal standards of a given country or region. This applies to your website content, branding, and everything you offer in the form of products and services.

Thus, localization of eLearning courses is the adaptation of training resources for professionals or users to different areas of the world. The localization of these materials is quite significant as learning materials must meet high standards by being engaging, highly practical, and of interest to learners. In many countries, eLearning platform tools, company practices, and policies are applied to their regional subsidiaries. The localization of eLearning courses will make them fully effective.




  • Alhamedi Alshammri