e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Differentiated learning

Differentiated Learning


It is clear that old classrooms depended on face to face teaching. The teacher faces the whole class and demands the same tasks, offers the same materials and uses the same tools. There was a little consideration to the student's prior knowledge, cultural background as well as the learner's interest.


It was easier to talk to whole class at once about one topic. It was also easy to let the class work on the same chapter at the same time, and even test them all at the end of the chapter. This is not the case in the differentiated learning, where the learners will learn according to many significant aspects.

E-learning makes it easy to apply differentiated learning. Learners have their own needs, schemata, and cultural backgrounds. Unlike the old classrooms, digital ecology offers the instructors the opportunity to ensure that every learner is progressing and engaged in. All learners will have the chance to reach and achieve their goals according to their abilities. They will be able to represent knowledge.


As educators, we have the responsibility to make sure that every learner is engaged in and transformed. Digital spaces will help us monitor and track the progress of the learners. They will let us ensure that every learner participate and got a share of attention. E-learning also support differences such as age, cultural background and prior knowledge.


Unlike old classrooms, digital ecology allow learners to do different things at the same time, and not particularly the same page or chapter or even the test. Student would be able to work their own way through series of stages before reaching the next level. E-learning makes it easier for teachers with large number of students to manage and offer the help.

The only disadvantage will be the individualization. Less interaction will be happening. The student will be working alone according to their needs and abilities in isolation. Finally, all learners are to be able to make progress when working at a pace that suits their needs.



Differentiating learning


Differentiated Instruction


What Is Differentiated Instruction?
