e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates
المدونات والتعلم التعاوني
المدونات والتعلم التعاوني
المدونات يديرها المعلم و تساعد في إعطاء الفرصة للمتعلمين لتنمية مهارات القراءة لديهم ، إذ يتم تشجيع التبادل اللغوي وتوفير المعلومات عن المنهج وتذكير الطلاب بالواجبات المدرسية ، وبمعني آخر فإن تلك المدونات هي التي يديرها المعلم إذ يضع فيها روابط ومقاطع الصوت والفيديو والمرتبطة بالموضوع الدراسي الذي يدرسه لطلابه وأيضاً يضع فيها الأنشطة والواجبات ويفتح أمامهم باب النقاش والحوار والتعليق .
وأيضا هي وسيلة للتواصل بين الطلاب أنفسهم بتبادل الآراء والخبرات فيما بينهم وبالتالي تكون مفيدة في التعلم التعاوني والتعلم بالأقران
وتقوي شخصية الطالب وتكسبه الشجاعة للتعبير عن رأيه بجرأة دون حرج خاصة الطلاب الذين ليس لديهم القدرة علي التحدث أمام الآخرين
يمكن ايضا أن يتخذها المعلم كوسيلة تعليمية ومصدر للمعلومات بأن يعرض المعلم خلالها صور ومقتطفات فيديو أو روابط لمواقع إلكترونية لها صلة بالدرس تعين الطالب علي فهم الدرس ويستطيع الرجوع إليها في أي وقت حتى وهو في منزله
وتعد أسلوباً جديداً في التعليم مما يشوق الطالب للتعليم ويحفزه أكثر
وبالإمكان استعمال المدونة الإلكترونية بكل سهولة لعرض وتنظيم إنجازات الطلاب ، وحماية ملكية الطالب فيها من خلال تاريخ إرسالها للمدونة
وكذلك تسمح للمعلمين بالتواصل مع طلابهم حتى خارج جدران الصف الدراسي فهي لا تحتاج لوجود المعلمين داخل نفس الحجرة
وتسهل عملية الإرشاد والتوجيه بين المعلم والطالب
تعطي الفرصة لأي قارئ للمدونة أن يكون هو الآخر مؤلف مشارك حينما يتفاعل مع ما يقرأه ، وذلك بالتعليق عليه وبالتالي فهي تنمي التفاعل بين القارئ والكاتب
,وأيضا ضمان مشاركة جميع الطلاب داخل الصف ، في الأنشطة أو الأسئلة التي يوجهها المدرس ، إذ تتم المشاركة من قبل الطلاب بوقت واحد ، كلا حسب مجموعته من خلال التعليقات داخل المدونة
وتساهم بشكل فعّال في جعل التعليم "تعاوني وتكاملي" بين الطلاب, فالجميع يتشارك في التحرير والنشر والإضافة والتعليق .
وتعمل على رفع "طموح الطلاب" و"تشجعهم على المشاركة في التعليم والتعلم" بشكل أقوى من خلال المشاركة في فعاليات المدونة الالكترونية المتاحة.
وفتحت المدونات الالكترونية المجال لـ "طرح المواضيع العلميّة بحرية" بشكل تفاعلي بحيث "أصبح النشر على المدونة سهل جداً" يستطيع استخدامه كل الأفراد من خلال الإنشاء والتحرير .
وتمتاز المدونات الالكترونية في أنها تتيح للمستخدم نشر أفكاره الخاصّة، وتتيح المشاركة مع الزملاء في مواضيع مختارة، وتتيح للمستخدم تصميم مدوّنته وفقًا لذوقه الخاصّ .وما يؤخذ على المدوّنات، بأنها قد تحتمل المعلومات المقدّمة في المدوّنات الصواب والخطأ، ولا تخضع المواضيع المقدّمة فيها للمراقبة مطلقًا مما قد تشكل محاذير ضمن ظروف معينة
موضوع مميز
Very pleased to see you participating in this course. As most participants are English speakers, could you please make posts in English as well as Arabic in the same post? - English first (use Google Translate if you need to), followed by Arabic.
Blogging and collaborative learning
Blogs are managed by the teacher and help give learners the opportunity to develop their reading skills, as language exchange is encouraged, information is provided about the curriculum, and students are reminded of homework. It also puts activities and duties in it and opens the door for discussion, dialogue and comment.
It is also a means of communication between students themselves by exchanging opinions and experiences among themselves, and thus useful in cooperative learning and peer learning
Blogs and educational learning strengthen the student's personality and give him the courage to express his opinion boldly without embarrassment, especially for students who do not have the ability to speak in front of others
It can also be taken by the teacher as an educational tool and a source of information, through which the teacher presents pictures, video excerpts, or links to websites related to the lesson that help the student to understand the lesson, and he can refer to it at any time, even while he is at home.
It is a new method of education, which motivates students to learn and motivates them more
The blog can be easily used to display and organize students' achievements, and to protect the student's ownership of it through the date it was sent to the blog
It also allows teachers to communicate with their students even outside the walls of the classroom, as it does not require the presence of teachers inside the same room
It facilitates the process of counseling and guidance between the teacher and the student
It gives the opportunity for any reader of the blog to also be a co-author when he interacts with what he reads, by commenting on it, and thus it develops the interaction between the reader and the writer
Also, ensuring the participation of all students within the class, in the activities or questions directed by the teacher, as participation is done by the students at one time, each according to his group through comments within the blog.
It contributes effectively to making education cooperative and complementary among students, as everyone participates in editing, publishing, adding and commenting.
It works to raise students' ambition and encourages them to participate in teaching and learning more strongly by participating in the available online blog activities.
And electronic blogs opened the way for discussing scientific topics freely in an interactive way, so that posting on the blog has become very easy that all individuals can use through creation and editing.
Electronic blogs are distinguished in that they allow the user to publish his own ideas, allow sharing with colleagues on selected topics, and allow the user to design his blog according to his own taste. What is taken about blogs is that the information presented in blogs may bear right and wrong, and the topics presented in them are not subject to censorship at all, which May present caveats under certain circumstances
أتاح الجيل الثاني من الويب إمكانيات هائلة لتمكين كثير من مستخدمي الانترنت من تدوين الكثير من الملاحظات والمقالات والأفكار والحوارات والتعليقات التفاعلية المصحوبة أيضاً بمواد أخرى مثل الصوت والفيديو، حيث أصبح بإمكان أي شخص أن تكون له مساحة خاصة به على شبكة الانترنت يستقبل بها أو يشارك فيها آخرين الرأي والأخبار والتعليقات فيما يمكن أن يشبه دفتر الملاحظات وهو ما صار يعرف بالمدونات Blogs.
وقد برزت ظاهرة التدوين على الانترنت بالشكل الذى يبدو عليه الآن في عام ( 1996 ) مع ظهور موقع ( ديف وينر Dave Einer ) لكتابة الأخبار وتسجيل ردود الفعل بشأنها والتعليقات الخاصة بها ( إدريس لكرينى ، 2009 ) .
Very pleased to see you participating in this course. As most participants are English speakers, could you please make posts in English as well as Arabic in the same post? - English first (use Google Translate if you need to), followed by Arabic.
Blogging and collaborative learning
Blogs are managed by the teacher and help give learners the opportunity to develop their reading skills, as language exchange is encouraged, information is provided about the curriculum, and students are reminded of homework. It also puts activities and duties in it and opens the door for discussion, dialogue and comment.
It is also a means of communication between students themselves by exchanging opinions and experiences among themselves, and thus useful in cooperative learning and peer learning
Blogs and educational learning strengthen the student's personality and give him the courage to express his opinion boldly without embarrassment, especially for students who do not have the ability to speak in front of others
It can also be taken by the teacher as an educational tool and a source of information, through which the teacher presents pictures, video excerpts, or links to websites related to the lesson that help the student to understand the lesson, and he can refer to it at any time, even while he is at home.
It is a new method of education, which motivates students to learn and motivates them more
The blog can be easily used to display and organize students' achievements, and to protect the student's ownership of it through the date it was sent to the blog
It also allows teachers to communicate with their students even outside the walls of the classroom, as it does not require the presence of teachers inside the same room
It facilitates the process of counseling and guidance between the teacher and the student
It gives the opportunity for any reader of the blog to also be a co-author when he interacts with what he reads, by commenting on it, and thus it develops the interaction between the reader and the writer
Also, ensuring the participation of all students within the class, in the activities or questions directed by the teacher, as participation is done by the students at one time, each according to his group through comments within the blog.
It contributes effectively to making education cooperative and complementary among students, as everyone participates in editing, publishing, adding and commenting.
It works to raise students' ambition and encourages them to participate in teaching and learning more strongly by participating in the available online blog activities.
And electronic blogs opened the way for discussing scientific topics freely in an interactive way, so that posting on the blog has become very easy that all individuals can use through creation and editing.
Electronic blogs are distinguished in that they allow the user to publish his own ideas, allow sharing with colleagues on selected topics, and allow the user to design his blog according to his own taste. What is taken about blogs is that the information presented in blogs may bear right and wrong, and the topics presented in them are not subject to censorship at all, which May present caveats under certain circumstances
Thank you for coming, my teacher
Thank you for coming, my teacher