e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates


Feedback is the information provided to the learner or teacher about the learner's performance

Feedback can relate to the outputs of the activity, the course of the activity, the student's management of the learning process or to the learner himself as a person and can be oral or written or can be presented through tests or through digital technology and can be provided by the teacher or peers

Among its advantages, it is considered an effective way to consolidate the information of the lessons provided and helps students test the correctness of the information they have acquired

A very effective and efficient way to simplify and facilitate the education process

The feedback may be

Immediately after the student's answer

Postponed the next day or in a later Class

Synchronized while students are working on projects or when they are completing a task in class

Asynchronous after the project is completed and evaluated by the teacher, the teacher takes notes and returns them to his students for correction or improvement

Feedback may be by the teacher or by the student himself or other students, or research and exploration in scientific references and the internet

Or through some programs or sites, for example

