e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Update #3: Visual learning

It is a style of learning in which graphs, charts, colors, maps, and so on can be used in learning to make it more comprehensive. Visuals are more fascinating than hearings. Students can learn information by seeing and using photographic memory. Using this technique, the information goes straightly into the memory and by visualizing the data it comes to mind easier and faster. You get the benefit of the sense of sight to fully comprehend and hack anything you want into your brain for good. You can use images, and you can pass the limits of verbal teaching. Visual learning makes learners more motivated than textual learning.
There are countless benefits to visual learning, but the most important of them all can be the ones that are related to e-learning. In this case, students don't have a real connection with the teacher and other students, this technique can help the learning process to take place more productively.
Some of its advantages can be found below.
The data can be stored in long-term memories. The human brain processes visual information better and at a higher speed. It can help to achieve a better comprehension of difficult concepts, the same part of the human being is responsible for processing feelings and pictures, therefore the procedure of memorizing can happen more effectively by learners. Using images and any kind of visual materials can make the process of learning more exciting, resulting in a more considerable motivation to learn. But the appropriateness of visual materials should be seriously considered, and the images or videos must be used of high quality otherwise they are going to be less attractive to the learners. The main purpose of using visual materials is to make difficult information easier. It’s better to use relevant material to the topics, and help to associate the unfamiliar information with the familiar concepts in order to learn more actively.
When I was teaching the alphabet to my students, at the beginning it was a hard process because they have so much trouble remembering and making the difference in their minds between capital and lowercase letters. The problem was solved when I realized that I can get the benefit from visual learning techniques to make it easier and more fun for all of us. It was one of the most exciting parts of the class. We tried to draw a nice picture for each one of the alphabet characters; most of them symbolized an animal. That was very appealing and students could memorize and distinguish upper and lowercase letters easily.
