e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Update #1 Ubiquitous Learning


Ubiquitous Learning allows the student to study wherever and whenever they choose and is not confined to a classroom schedule or space. The intention of this education is to produce learning that goes beyond passing tests to truly understanding the material and being able to share their knowledge with others. “The most profound technologies are those that disappear. They weave themselves into the fabric of everyday life until they are indistinguishable from it.” (Mark Weiser, 1991)

I currently received a certificate in Telehealth in a MOOC environment. We were provided all that would be expected to complete the course; the course syllabus, reading materials, assignments including videos to watch, etc. The quizzes and tests provided immediate feedback on the scores.

As a visual learner, this method of learning was very helpful. I could read the materials, watch the videos (even speeding them up to keep my attention during the dry material) and learn at my own pace and as my schedule allowed. This kind of flexibility is very valuable as many like me could take the course whereas if it had been in a classroom, it would not have been possible.

Not only does the material need to be presented in a ubiquitous method but the results (testing) need to be also. One of the downsides to most learning methods whether it’s virtual or in a classroom is the testing. The tests do not gauge one’s knowledge and it’s so easy to study for the test without learning much. I think ePortfolios can be a great solution as they can show the progress each student is making and provide feedback based on that specific individual. It would also allow for creativity and how wonderful would that be to have learning be fun! What a concept. ePortfolios can include videos, pictures, and writing samples. Not just what is on the web but what the student designs themselves if they choose. They can showcase their natural abilities.

e-Portfolios can be a powerful method of teaching within the virtual landscape of learning. Society has been advancing digitally for years and now with ubiquitous learning so prevalent the ePortfolio is a natural evolvement. It’s a great tool for understanding what the student has learned, showcasing strengths and, where the student learning opportunities are. (Farrell, O. (2020).

I discovered https://www.foliospaces.org/ while writing this Update. FolioSpaces is a free ePortfolio platform to create your own ePortfolio (I haven’t tried it yet). I included the link if you’re interested.


Weiser, Mark. Vicki Jones, Jun H. Jo. (1991). “Ubiquitous learning environment: An adaptive teaching system using ubiquitous technology”. Accessed at ascilite.org/conferences/perth04/procs/pdf/jones.pdf

Farrell, O. (2020). ”(e) Portafoglio a History: The Evolution of Portfolio in Higher Education. Journal of Interactive Media in Education”, (1), p.19. Accessed at doi.org/10.5334/jime.574

  • Molly Breen