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Collaborative Learning and its Components

Collaborative intelligence is used in various disciplines. In marketing it explains varied linkages of people and communicating to set have outcomes. This term was 1st used in 1999 to explain the activities of an industry. This is the ability to create, share and adjust power.

Collaborative intelligence involves thinking with peers in such a manner that considers every individual concerns. It is a new emerging approach in ways of thinking and interacting. In the past, industries ruled by top down process, but now leaders are mind share where influence matter instead of power and achievement depends on collaboration. According to Deepak Chopra, collaborative intelligence helps individuals to adjust their thinking with others, and share common assets and talents. Further in this process individuals set the higher aims and goals.

There are several components to collaborative learning. Firstly, there must be willingness to collaborate between the individuals. They should be ready to involve with other fellows to reached at a specific purpose. Secondly, participants must be ready to share. Thirdly, candidates must know what and how to share. Further, they should build trust among themselves and this trust is developed through sharing. Moreover, individual should know the team dynamics. This component is vital for success. Hubs, bridging and networking is another common component of Collaborative learning. Hub is an individual who talks to every person and bridge means who connect with two or more groups. While networking is someone who use to do work in room. Social network analysis is a best example of hubs. Last but not least, mentoring and training is essential for effective collaborating intelligence. Coaching is to guide and help individual to achieve a goal while mentoring is to share the knowledge and experience with person who needs it. This is also done to help the candidates to foster and achieve to the maximum.



