e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Virtual Learning is here to stay


Since we are in an era of technological boom due to the pandemic I ‘ll discuss the virtual classroom . It’s an ubiquitous and mysterious form of learning here in Italy. Italian schools are brick and mortar when it comes to all learning theories. I have been teaching virtually to professionals that were heavily resistant however they find it useful in most cases, naturally there are some who would prefer to be in a classroom more so for tradition then education. Virtual classes are the future of education .

The use of virtual will evolve depending on the country and culture. In the States, there is a computer, tablet and Xbox that can be used to perform education and leisure task while in parts of Europe such extravagance is far and few. The Italian school system is unable to truly support virtual classes for two reasons 1) the culture rely heavily on contact and visualizing the theory 2) technology is important however it was never considered a priority until this year thus they are not fully prepared. In fact, the internet signal is often blocked or slowed .

Virtual schooling can be more beneficially to graduates and adults in the sense they are aware of the necessity of education and career development . When it comes to elementary and middle school children there is an issue. Naturally , learning is a restrict measure for children and being in an social environment can make a difference The concern with virtual classes , at least here in Italy is teacher training on using technology and classroom platforms .The tools available to make teaching more efficient and engaging to children play a big part in creating a positive learning experience. The Italian school system has opened back up however they are also educating teachers on how to utilize the virtual classroom that should another severe lockdown occur they are able to educate up to standards because like I said earlier virtual classrooms are the future and there is no better time then now to prepare for it .



Resources to Consider : https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/18/italy-quarantine-e-learning-coronavirus-schools-lockdown-teaching-children



  • Nicole Mandap