e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Shift Happens

Shift Happens

In our ever-changing learning environments, we must adapt to a new learning and teaching practices. Things have shifted abruptly in how we learn, read, research, engage, and speak due to Covid 19 Pandemic. Learning and teaching has gone digital, and conversations and meeting up have gone digital. This is a paradigm shift for both teacher and student. We are almost at at 95% online for work, school, social interaction. It use to be that school was least affected by this technology shift. We had more in person interaction, in person conversations, and in person assessment. Most has shift in the classroom and now classrooms are mostly ONLINE. “Multiliteracy is the ability to identify, interpret, create, and communicate meaning across a variety of visual, oral, corporal, musical and alphabetical forms of communication. Beyond a linguistic notion of literacy, multiliteracy involves an awareness of the social, economic and wider cultural factors that frame communication. (IGI Global, 2020).” The expansion of our digital world provides an opportunity for the student to shift from knowledge consumers to knowledge makers. Adapting to this multiliteracy pedagogy is important for parents, teachers, and students to clearly see how this shift will impact their learning.

Multi literacy learning allows the student to take ownership of their learning and communicating and producing it through a variety of online communication frames. The student becomes a knowledge designer/maker. Through traditional classroom setting, students worked off of rote motor skills and were not in charge of exploring their learning. With the emerging shift of technology, students can access so many types of information. We are not working off of rote motor skills but expanding the learning process to an online base. Shift happens in life and we need to move with it.


Helpful links:





Understanding multiliteracies video https://youtu.be/LYtSgJ0enpU