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Gamification is a learning technique that transfers the mechanics of games to the educational-professional field in order to achieve better results, either to better absorb some knowledge, improve some skill, or reward specific actions, among many other objectives.


This type of learning gains ground in training methodologies due to its playful nature, which facilitates the internalization of knowledge in a more fun way, generating a positive user experience.


The game model really works because it manages to motivate the students, developing a greater commitment of the people, and encouraging the spirit of overcoming. A series of mechanical and dynamic techniques extrapolated from the games are used.


Gammification is something that I had been using in the classroom for a long time and that created a superb learning tool. My students are highly motivated and work and study (or preparation for "missions") are more enjoyable and more motivated. However, in many of the articles I have researched about it, I am surprised to find little reference to the playful environment itself compared to rewarding with 'achievements', 'emblems' or 'levels'. they seem to emphasize this especially, if not exclusively; to the point that a large number of them limit Gamification with the fact of granting this type of rewards in class and point.

Undoubtedly, achieving this type of rewards following a clear "positive reinforcement" behaviorist philosophy establishes a fun and desirable work discipline, but gamification supposes and contributes much more in its broader scope; because the dynamics of the classes become games and not activities or tasks. With its rules, continuity, attractiveness and fun typical of the recreational field.


I recommend the following reference:

David L, "Gamification in Education," in Learning Theories, January 26, 2016, https://www.learning-theories.com/gamification-in-education.html.

  • Reema Gabrani