e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates



This kind of pedagogy is recently introduced in mid 1990's because there was a shift in the way people communicated due to introduction of new technologies. The language was represented in different ways across different cultures,hence a new literacy was developed called digital literacy in multiple ways.

Why this came into being?

As due to globalization and increase in immigration, communication between cultures and different languages is necessary and thus English being a global language is spoken differently. Also with the technology and multimedia changing ways of communication, now we can communicate by using sound, images etc to the text, eg in movies,billboards etc for effective communication.The person understands the knowledge represented to him in an easier and attractive way.


Now the "Pedagogy of Multiliteracies" focussed on ways to meet the learning needs of students to allow them to navigate within these multimodal literacies. The new teaching method proposed to incorporate multimodal ways of communication that included linguistic, visual, audio,spatial,gestural etc, The students need to draw on their own experiences and semiotic literary practices to represent and communicate meaning. Purposr driven Education integrate the use of multiliteracy by encouraging student learning through exploration of their passions using their senses, technology, vernaculars, as well as alternative forms of communication.



  • Tom Tirpak