e-Learning Ecologies MOOC’s Updates

Teaching Electronics concepts using Videos :Ubiquitous Learning

Digital technologies are electronic tools, systems, devices and resources that generate, store or process data. To simplifie the process of teaching learning technology provieds many platforms . Here i suggest use of public platform Youtube.com to eductation purpose. 

Teaching Elctronic concepts using conventional methods (Black Board and gChalks ) is very hectic so i decided to creat small videos highlighting each concepts . The link of videos were circulated amongst the students and students were asked to complete a quiz based on each video .Initial response from students was good which encouraged me to preapare more videos . 

Sample video link is as follows :


The major challege in this activity was to design large set of quiz questions and maintaining  privacy of it . The main advantage of this activity was flexibility to learners . 

This was the simple example of flip classroom . The other innovative techniques are required to improve peer to peer sharing and learning. 

  • Lakshmi Satish
  • Harish Ojha
  • Humberto Cunha
  • Harish Ojha