Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Intelligence-based assessments

esting knowledge and intelligence are two different methods used to evaluate different facets of a person's cognitive ability. Although assessing mental capacity is the goal of both kinds of exams, their objectives and foci are distinct.

Assessing cognitive skills like reasoning, problem-solving, and abstract thought as well as an individual's intellectual potential are the goals of testing intelligence, which is commonly done through IQ tests. Typically, these assessments comprise of tasks that demand for the use of reasoning, pattern identification, and spatial awareness. The goal of intelligence tests is to assess an individual's intrinsic cognitive capacities, which are thought to be steady across time.

Conversely, assessing an individual's unique knowledge base in a given domain or subject area is part of the knowledge testing process. These exams evaluate learned knowledge, facts, ideas, and comprehension.

  • Eqbal Mohammed
  • Eqbal Mohammed
  • Eqbal Mohammed