Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

Educational Evaluation

Reflecting on the learning experience of students is crucial for improving teaching. Instructors might ask themselves a series of questions—What worked well? What methods, activities, strategies, materials, etc., could have been improved? What parts of the course or instruction should I retain? What parts should I rethink or replace? The instructor should gather information about the overall course and instruction, and the impact on the learning experience, through:

Student performance on assignments and activities intended to assess achievement of learning outcomes
Review of course materials and assignments for clarity, sense, content and level of challenge
Informal or formal surveys [link to section on surveys)
Classroom Assessment Techniques 
Mid course checks
End-of-term Focus Groups 
Canvas Learning Analytics 



  • Lisa Zack Swasey
  • Aladdin Bodon
  • Lisa Zack Swasey
  • Aladdin Bodon
  • Lisa Zack Swasey