Assessment for Learning MOOC’s Updates

intelligence test

Intelligence Tests and Knowledge tests

Intelligence is something related to hereditary as well as environmental factors whereas knowledge is our everyday learning, awareness and achievements. Therefore testing intelligence is related to our general thinking and reasoning ability whereas testing knowledge depicts our skills and know how.

Stanford Binet test

This test considers 5 factors for intelligence testing that is fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual-spatial processing and working memory. It collects verbal as well as non verbal responses. There are 100 multiple choice questions which have to be completed in 24 minutes. Most of the questions are reasoning based. This test is used to identify gifted as well as students with any mental deficiency. A score below 70 means intellectuall deficiency while a score of 130 or above is considered gifted.


Stanford Binet test determines the intellectual functioning and cognitive abilities of a child. It helps to differentiate a child with learning disability.


This test is only meant fot children.


  • Germaine Gordon