Intermedial Narratives and Resistance to Symbolic Gender Violence
This article focuses on analyzing content from Sina Weibo, a Chinese social media platform, related to female drivers. The study examines news articles, videos, images, and comments from January 2022 to March 2023. The research aims to understand how intermedial narratives of symbolic violence evolve from traditional gender norms to social media platforms. Additionally, the study explores the construction of gender symbols through gender discourses and the impact of social changes on gender cognition. The intermedial narratives of female drivers in social media exhibit symbolic polarization, emotional antagonism, and a focus on negative events. These narratives reflect the conflict and struggle between patriarchal discourse narratives rooted in traditional gender concepts and contemporary feminist discourse narratives. They also demonstrate the changing and reconstructing of social gender consciousness in the online sphere. The article offers valuable insights into the reconstruction and understanding of a more equitable gender image, by examining the intermedial narrative features of symbolic violent discourse and the shifting gender perceptions in the internet era.