Examining Bolivia’s Destination Image through the Lens of Alternative Tourism

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  • Title: Examining Bolivia’s Destination Image through the Lens of Alternative Tourism: An Analysis of Content Generated by Travel Tools 2.0
  • Author(s): Grecia Elizabeth De la Serna Torrez , Esmeralda Crespo Almendros
  • Publisher: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Collection: Common Ground Research Networks
  • Series: Common Ground Open
  • Journal Title: Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies
  • Keywords: Alternative Tourism, Cultural Tourism, Rural Tourism, Ecotourism, Adventure Tourism, Destination Image, Travel Tools 2.0, Bolivia
  • Volume: 9
  • Issue: 1
  • Date: September 12, 2024
  • ISSN: 2470-9336 (Print)
  • ISSN: 2470-9344 (Online)
  • DOI: https://doi.org/10.18848/2470-9336/CGP/v09i01/1-29
  • Citation: De la Serna Torrez, Grecia Elizabeth, and Esmeralda Crespo Almendros. 2024. "Examining Bolivia’s Destination Image through the Lens of Alternative Tourism: An Analysis of Content Generated by Travel Tools 2.0." Journal of Tourism and Leisure Studies 9 (1): 1-29. doi:10.18848/2470-9336/CGP/v09i01/1-29.
  • Extent: 29 pages

Open Access

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This study examines Bolivia’s destination image from the perspective of alternative tourism using a qualitative approach, conducting an analysis of the existing content on travel 2.0 tools. Making use of the CAQDAS NVIVO 12 software, the study first analyzes travel reviews from the TripAdvisor platform written by tourists who visited some of Bolivia’s main tourist attractions, in order to understand their perception after visiting the country. Second, it examines comments on YouTube made by users who watched travel vlogs showcasing Bolivia’s tourist attractions, aiming to comprehend the perceived image of the country. Both analyses were aimed at identifying and comparing tourist attractions suitable for engaging in alternative tourism practices. The results obtained revealed a predominantly positive perception of Bolivia, demonstrating satisfaction among tourists who visited the country and interest in visiting it among those who have not yet been there. This suggests that the existing content on travel 2.0 tools, in this case, social media networks and travel vlogs, about the country’s tourist attractions has a positive influence on shaping Bolivia’s destination image as a suitable place for alternative tourism.