Designing Prototype

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This article investigates the function of tactile through touch senses and verbal feedback that can be used to support blind and visually impaired (BVI) people’s access to visual art aesthetics. Using 3D-printed technology as a prototype is essential and has great potential in today’s art and technology. By adapting the design thinking process, value in developing the 3D prototype-printed tactile flashcard, a tool, and a mediator for the BVI community is designed to experience art through the basic language of art and design. Three phases of obtaining data through the prototype have been conducted to gain knowledge, feedback, and experience from blind people and the visually impaired community. The first phase in obtaining data is understanding the user through interviews; the second phase is designing the prototype with the understanding of the tactile modalities; and the third phase is testing the prototype through a pilot study in the Formgiving in Design Lab, Universiti Teknologi MARA and to the BVI at the Malaysian Association for the Blind and Persatuan Orang-orang Cacat Penglihatan Islam Malaysia in their natural environment settings. Results showed that the prototype gives an experience that is important for the BVI group to understand the basic language of art that emphasizes the element of art and the principles of design as a form of communication in art and design. This prototype has the potential to close the gap between the sighted and unsighted groups of people in terms of art accessibility, where art could be learned and taught to blind people and the visually impaired community.