Mona Alkhudhayr's Interests
Teaching English
Teaching English
Mona Alkhudhayr created the update Video learning for both ESL students and teachers.
Mona Alkhudhayr created the update The use of Gamification for ESL learners .
Mona Alkhudhayr commented on an update by Jason Berg MOOCs Evolving .
Mona Alkhudhayr commented on an update by William Cope Artificial Intelligence in the Long View: From Mechanical Intelligence to Cyber-social Systems.
Mona Alkhudhayr commented on an update الفصل المقلوب كأحد أشكال التعلم الغير محدود بزمان ومكان (التعلم الالكتروني) in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC.
Mona Alkhudhayr and Jason Berg are now peers.
Mona Alkhudhayr created the update The use of artificial intelligence in English language learning and teaching.