Mona Alkhudhayr
Mona Alkhudhayr created the update Video learning for both ESL students and teachers.
Mona Alkhudhayr created the update The use of Gamification for ESL learners .
Mona Alkhudhayr commented on an update by Jason Berg MOOCs Evolving .
Mona Alkhudhayr commented on an update by William Cope Artificial Intelligence in the Long View: From Mechanical Intelligence to Cyber-social Systems.
Mona Alkhudhayr commented on an update الفصل المقلوب كأحد أشكال التعلم الغير محدود بزمان ومكان (التعلم الالكتروني) in e-Learning Ecologies MOOC.
Mona Alkhudhayr and Jason Berg are now peers.
Mona Alkhudhayr created the update The use of artificial intelligence in English language learning and teaching.