Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Essential Update #1 Multimodality and synesthesia

All humans are born learners. With our five senses hearing, touch, sight, smell, and taste,  our bodies are engaged in learning everyday from what surround us, our senses enable our mind to make sense of our build meaning. We already experience Synesthesia with  the variety of perspectives, transfering meanings the power of our imagination bring to us.

The world of meaning has always being multimodel , Kress (2010) But Inside a traditional classroom/ traditional teacher we place boundaries to the senses. We have walls that limit light, colours,sounds and smells. And our hearing is also limited to the buzz of a teacher. However it has been always possible to bring multimodality to the traditional classroom but the multiplicity of modes offered in a digital classroom offer the potential to enhance the learning experience,the construction of meaning.

An example of multimodality in teaching and learning is with teaching languages. 

Their impact in the learning a new language process is huge. Multimodality  allows the learner to use more than one sense for learning . As example reading a printed text the learner uses visual and tactil modes, reading a multimodal text the learner uses hearing, tactile, kinesthetic, visual. It occurs then a shift in the process of reading. 

  • Ilyes Haidara