Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates

Learning how to write:Essential 2

Writing as a transcription or putting into physical a language or speech is very essential in teaching literacy. When teaching it,there are many aspects to be considered by a teacher for students’ proficiency in literacy pedagogy. There are slot of of those aspects which I am only going to give mouth emphasis on one which I encountered by while learning,and taught my students about it while they were learning how to write about an informational text.

As learning is beyond the recognition and learning of phonics. Difficulty in developing essays is widely recognized by teachers who are teaching learners whose English language is a second language. While teaching descriptive form of writing,there are difficulties in vocabulary development related to that field or aspect. Insufficient words related to that angle of learning hampers learners ability to describe efficiently. For example,description of a girl’s face-beautiful or pretty.Learners have to be arranged or staged to brainstorm by giving them comprehension that has to do with a particular aspect of related study.

However,after scheming out the related vocabulary words,related but different scenario words were given to the students to learn two things;try pronunciation and learning the words as vocabulary. The next is mapping the strategy of writing by peer grouping them to empower one another in developing an essay of what they are asked to.

Drafts as organization of ideas are forwarded to the other group through Google Document for the them to review. In that aspect,grammar;subject/verb agreements,prepositions arrangement,commas,full stops...are examined.

Learners roll after that is to receive review from the teacher. In which the same processes followed by their peers will be followed. The purpose of using Google Document or Word Processor is to help the student in spell checking.

Specific emphasis is laid on few aspects or rules in the process of evaluating the learners. This has given the ability to rigorously engage themselves in focusing on few angles of what they writing and doing at a time. That, too,has helped me in achieving a lot while I was doing my studies.


  • Ilyes Haidara