Multimodal Literacies MOOC’s Updates
Section 12: Making Spatial, Tactile and Gestural Meanings
This update explores three more important modes of meaning. Spatial meanings are framed by shape, proximity and movement. Tactile meanings capture our interactions with objects. Gestural meanings are bodily expressions, ranging from hand and arm movement, to facial expressions, to bodily presentations, such as clothing, to body language. These modes of meaning are closely interconnected and offer productive connections to oral and written meanings in multimodal literacies environments.
To explore these issues further, see the supporting material on the Literacies website.
Comment: In what ways do spatial, tactile and gestural meanings frame spoken or written language? How does multimodal analysis help us to interpret meanings in language?
Make an Update: Describe and analyse a pedagogical practice that locates linguistic meanings in the context of spatial, tactile or gestural meanings.
Holistic Approach to Language Learning as a Form of Effort to Improve Students' Language Skills
Pedagogical practices that include linguistics in the context of spatial, tactile, or gestural meaning offer a holistic and multisensorial approach to language learning. In this context, teachers do not only rely on conventional teaching which is centered on verbal knowledge, but also expand the learning space to utilize the visual, kinesthetic and other sensorial potential of students. With this, students are not only cognitively capable but can strengthen in various dimensions. One aspect of this pedagogical practice is utilizing the physical space of the classroom as a learning tool. For example, the use of an interactive whiteboard or projector allows teachers to visualize linguistic concepts such as sentence structure, vocabulary, or phonological processes. Students can see and interact directly with the information, increasing their understanding visually. Additionally, a well-designed classroom physical setting can create a stimulating environment, promote collaboration, and facilitate diverse learning experiences. In addition, tactile and gestural dimensions can also be integrated into learning practices. For example, the use of manipulatives such as word cards or letter blocks allows students to physically manipulate linguistic concepts, strengthening their sensorimotor connection to the subject matter. Body movements can also be used to strengthen understanding of concepts. For example, teaching grammar by asking students to move their bodies according to sentence structure or construct words with hand movements can help students internalize information more effectively. This analysis of pedagogical practices shows that a multisensorial approach that places linguistic meaning in spatial, tactile and gestural contexts has several advantages. First, it facilitates a variety of learning styles, allowing each student to find a learning method that suits their needs. Second, this approach stimulates diverse brain connections, strengthening understanding and retention of information. Third, expanding the learning space to include different sensorial dimensions creates a deeper and more meaningful learning experience for students. Therefore, these pedagogical practices play an important role in enriching the language learning experience and promoting deep understanding.
Sumber : Osman, Z. (2013). Belajar Bahasa Secara Holistik: Apakah Pandangan Murid?. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra, 13(2), 102-117.
Holistic Approach to Language Learning as a Form of Effort to Improve Students' Language Skills
Pedagogical practices that include linguistics in the context of spatial, tactile, or gestural meaning offer a holistic and multisensorial approach to language learning. In this context, teachers do not only rely on conventional teaching which is centered on verbal knowledge, but also expand the learning space to utilize the visual, kinesthetic and other sensorial potential of students. With this, students are not only cognitively capable but can strengthen in various dimensions. One aspect of this pedagogical practice is utilizing the physical space of the classroom as a learning tool. For example, the use of an interactive whiteboard or projector allows teachers to visualize linguistic concepts such as sentence structure, vocabulary, or phonological processes. Students can see and interact directly with the information, increasing their understanding visually. Additionally, a well-designed classroom physical setting can create a stimulating environment, promote collaboration, and facilitate diverse learning experiences. In addition, tactile and gestural dimensions can also be integrated into learning practices. For example, the use of manipulatives such as word cards or letter blocks allows students to physically manipulate linguistic concepts, strengthening their sensorimotor connection to the subject matter. Body movements can also be used to strengthen understanding of concepts. For example, teaching grammar by asking students to move their bodies according to sentence structure or construct words with hand movements can help students internalize information more effectively. This analysis of pedagogical practices shows that a multisensorial approach that places linguistic meaning in spatial, tactile and gestural contexts has several advantages. First, it facilitates a variety of learning styles, allowing each student to find a learning method that suits their needs. Second, this approach stimulates diverse brain connections, strengthening understanding and retention of information. Third, expanding the learning space to include different sensorial dimensions creates a deeper and more meaningful learning experience for students. Therefore, these pedagogical practices play an important role in enriching the language learning experience and promoting deep understanding.
Sumber : Osman, Z. (2013). Belajar Bahasa Secara Holistik: Apakah Pandangan Murid?. Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa Dan Sastra, 13(2), 102-117.
The modality of tactile, gestural and spatial now can be related to the study of landscapes. The study of space and the relationship with language refers to how society signifies and communicate in the space they live in.
Spatial refers to something in space (set of coordinates). It has a place (noun). A table is in the room. When there is a table, I am looking at the table (dialogue), There is a situation of me looking at the things in the room and there is a context. I am in that room at night for studying using the table in the room (intend).
Tactile refers to sensation of touch, smell of something. It could be a aromatic meal or the nice feel of sitting on a couch. I am sitting on the couch or smelling the aroma -the relationship. There is a context for why i'm on the couch or why im there smelling the aroma. There is an intend, probably a lunch part with my friend.
Gestural refers to a name, place or thing (noun). Its enough that i speak like a robot but many times gestures add strength to what I speak. Some gestures may not have meaning while speaking but many do strengthen the content of the speech. Gestures have their situations, context and intend too. Through gestures we strongly underline the relationship occurring at the moment - Dialogue.
a pedagogcal practice that outlines and locates inguistic meaning such as active learning, that undergoes with substantility to the unit of content, in the context of gestural meaning we look for an analysis of body language and movements and such as for spacial meaning, we discern the space and place in which the subject of study exists in, final the tatcticle which we should look for the tactics and techniques used in order to communicate a particular message