Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Depression & Education

Let's make recent, since France has been locked down again since that day, October 30, 2020: mental health surveys have largely been sent to students in France. At the time of the first lockdown, the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation seemed to be concerned about the impact on its students and, in particular, an increase in depression. Why such concern?
Locked down students are mostly alone in a small room: no social relations, no means of distraction, reduced financial means and sometimes even difficulties in attending online courses. A student year is already well charged with stress, discouragement and moments of doubt; lockdown only increases this. It adds its own anxieties, linked to the health crisis but also to its economic repercussions: students are worried about both their health and their future, which is already a source of concern.
There is therefore an increased risk of depression among students at this time and depression is one of the most important factors in dropping out[1]. This would then start a vicious circle. Indeed, according to OECD figures[2], self-reported depression is lower among the most educated individuals, which runs counter to the common idea of the "happy fool". Education then has a role also on emotions: it allows people to have a feeling of self-satisfaction and success (corresponding to the fulfillment of self-esteem needs, the top of Maslow's hierarchy of needs[3]), and therefore to be happier. Or at least, less prone to a feeling of depression.


  1. ^ Fortin, Laurier & Royer, Égide & Marcotte, Diane & Yergeau, Éric. (2004). La prediction du risque de decrochage scolaire au secondaire : facteurs personnels, familiaux et scolaires. / Prediction of risk for secondary school dropout: Personal, family and school factors.. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement. 36. 219-231. 10.1037/h0087232. 
  2. ^ OCDE (2018), « How is depression related to education? », Education Indicators in Focus, n° 60, Éditions OCDE, Paris, https://doi.org/10.1787/782fc82d-en.
  3. ^ https://www.verywellmind.com/what-is-maslows-hierarchy-of-needs-4136760