Learning, Knowledge and Human Development MOOC’s Updates

Freewill by Skinner

What do you make of Skinner's comments about free will?

free will according to BF Skinner is that free will and motivation are dismissed as illusions that disguise the real cause of human behavior. in Skinner scheme of thing the person who commits crime has no choice. All behavior is stimulus control.
Skinner identifies free will as a fiction because behavior is the result of the environment. When environment is controlled on its contingencies of reinforcement then the behavior can be trained and changed properly to achieve an specific task.

What I've understand is that what we do or  what we think is already program that's why he said there's no other choice. But bisically free will is a freedom of choice of people if they want to to do it or not it's their choice without the influence of others..


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  • Akila Waka