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“Education is something which ought to be brought within the reach of everyone. The education department is not a department which can be treated on the basis of quid pro quo. Education ought to be cheapened in all possible ways and to the greatest possible extent”

He founded the people‟s Education society, and started colleges at Bombay and Aurangabad. He repeatedly with the government that providing equal educational opportunities to all without discrimination was its responsibility however, boys and girls should get the different education.It is unfortunate that in the past India got divided into castes based on birth. The people belonging to low castes i.e. the scheduled castes were denied all privileges and facilities, including educational facilities. They were so poor that they could never think of sending their children to educational institutions. Door of all educational institutions were closed on them. If at all any scheduled caste dared to get elementary education he was required to sit outside the class room. His shadow should not fall on other student. Educationally therefore, they were extremely backward.

Ambedkar has deliberately included Article 45 in the Directive Principles of State Policy that, “the state shall Endeavour to provide, within a period of ten years from the commencement of this Constitution, for free and compulsory education for all children until they complete the age of fourteen years.” The government of India has passed the bill of Right to Education Act 2008 and paid a great tribute to the contributions of Ambedkar to mass education. The policy of the Government of universalization of elementary education focusing particularly on marginalized groups, poorer sections and the girl child, enhancing enrollment in secondary education as well as its commitment to expand education facilities will empower and equip youth to face the future with hope and confidence. There are several challenges to cherish Ambedkar‟s vision of universal education. There is need to frame such policies starting from the primary stage to the higher stage that help to realize the vision of Ambedkar.