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Interactive Physics (IP) could one good example. It investigates concepts in physics and it is easily approachable for learners as you may use it without prior physics background knowledge. http://www.design-simulation.com/IP. It is a perfect match for STEM education.

It is undeniable to say that it is complicated to learn the details of science and mathematics. Learners are sometimes faced with high level of frustration so much so that they give up. It is incumbent upon pedagogical scholars and teachers and whoever interested to contribute to the learning world to create learning those items as interesting and enjoyable as possible (Yasar, 2016). DOI: 10.22369/issn.2153-4136/7/1/1.

It is an educational software from Design Simulation Technologies which makes it easy to observe, discover, and explore the physical world through exciting simulation. This easy-to-use program will support the most basic to complex topics in STEM education.

It provides a circumstance for learners to be able to learn Physics concepts ranging from modelling, simulating, and exploring a wide variety of physical phenomena to creating nearly any experiment. Namely, it gives the opportunity to learners to create objects, measure velocity, force, energy, simulate contact, collisions, and friction, vary air resistance, gravity, or material properties, view results as numbers, graphs, and animated vectors, hear and measure sound volumes, sound frequencies, and create visually appealing presentations by attaching graphics to objects.

Interactive Physics is a powerful tool for discovery learning and helps students visualize and learn abstract concepts. It develops inquiry skills and physics knowledge by allowing the user to vary nearly any physical parameter (e.g., gravity, force, speed, spring constants) and to measure its effect on nearly any measurable quantity (e.g., position, energy, decibel level).