Rebecca Walters’s Updates

Update #4: When Tech Meets Project Based Learning

How many of you are using project-based learning? I am exploring this innovative learning practice for my second work. Betsy Corcoran writes an interesting piece here about the melding of technology with authentic learning. "technology can change the “tone” of the classroom in powerful ways. “It asks teachers to give up ‘the script’ for the classroom,” While giving up control of the lesson and your agenda can be a difficult and scary thing to do as you never truly know where the lesson will go, it can ignite true inquiry. 

Project based learning puts the students in the driver's seat and in charge of their own learning. Different tributaries and avenues are explored authentically. Information is not spoon-fed or perscribed; it is sought out due to genuine interest. 

In Napa Valley, the recognition that this type of learning is best for students, the PBL conference sought to arm educators with tools to do just that. 14 tools were offered to support teachers supporting students in their quest for knowledge. From virtual coaching platforms to customizable software, this list of interactive learning tools has a great deal to offer.

How many of you are using PBL and incorporating technology to meet that goal? What platforms/tools are you utilizing? What is working?