Shamsa Kanwal’s Updates

  • Week 3: Learning analytics

    Learning analytics generally denotes to the collection and analysis of data about all learners and their environments for the purpose of understanding, evaluating and improving learning outcomes. Learning analytics simply is, where big data meets tr...More

  • Week 2: Open-Book tests as an alternative form of assessment


    Alternative forms of assessments explores different learning styles and are aligned with goals and objectives of the class. It is a way other than formal testing, to estimate how students learn in a classroom environment; to provide with an examp...More

  • Week 2: Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT)

    One of the most well-known and commonly administered standardized test is Scholastic Aptitude Test, the SAT test A commonly use tool to help determine which high school students are ready to enter college.Most high school students take the SAT or...More