TBL Group 10 - E-Team Based Learning’s Updates

Application Question #2

Question # 2

You obtain a chemistry panel and a creatine kinase level. The creatine kinase is 14,000 U/L (normal < 145 in a female), and the remainder of the chemistry is unremarkable. What additional labs would be most useful at this juncture?

A. complete blood count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate
B. ANA, skeletal muscle glycogen phosphorylase level
C. ANA, anti-SRP, anti-Jo-1, anti-Mi-2
D. anti-Jo-1, erythrocyte sedimentation rate


  • Step 1: Answer the question, providing medical reasoning to back up your answer. Your answer should be at least 3-5 sentences. DO NOT REFRESH YOUR BROWSER UNTIL YOU HAVE FINISHED YOUR ANSWER.
  • Step 2: Now, refresh your browser, and respond to as many others in your team as you can. Responses should provide evidence of your thinking processes (not just "I agree", or "answer is X"). Regularly refresh your browser as others' responses come in.
  • Step 3: Based on the discussion recorded in CGScholar, your team reporter should now enter your team's answer in Benware. The whole-class discussion of this application exercise will take place verbally as usual.
  • Salil Bhole
  • Morgan Powers
  • Morgan Powers
  • Ilse Mejia
  • Morgan Powers
  • Brett Drake
  • Morgan Powers
  • Isaac Ngo
  • Brett Drake
  • Ilse Mejia